PADigit Consulting & Freelance
Here you can see some of the services that I can help your company with. I can help you with strategic work, as an external marketing manager, and with hands-on development. For some highly technical demanding projects, I work with or can refer you to other consultants. I work as a freelance consultant or as an interim manager.
I have worked in companies where the marketing budget was very limited. Thus, I have great experience with leveraging media and press in order to create brand and value awareness.
I am furthermore very experienced in crisis management, C-level communication management etc.
No matter if PR is used to spread the message of fantastic companies and products or if you need me to handle a shitstorm, I have the knowledge of how to navigate the media landscape.
I have +20 years experience with all areas of marketing primarily in the B2B & B2G world. Everything from digital marketing and ABM, where everything can be tracked, to sales material, events, banners and truck banners, I have experience with.
I love marketing because you can take decisions based on data and customer insights, but being creative also means a lot in order to stand out from the competition.
I can work with all CRM, CMS, AI, email automation, email newsletter, graphic and image platforms.
I often with technical experts on technical implementations and integrations, but also have hands-on experience with most platforms.
Danish: Native
English: Fluent
French: Beginner (read: intermediate)
German: Beginner (read: intermediate)
Arabic: Beginner
Japanese: Beginner
I am use to travelling as needed.
I am use to managing and planning smaller, medium and larger commercial and marketing technology development projects.
I am very performance driven, and thus everything I do, I do to increase revenue and profits in the short term and in the long term.
One of my superpowers in sales is that I am a great listener. If sales takes place in the digital or real world, my number one priority is to know the customer and their needs in relation to the product or services that I am selling. Then, it is easy to sell and provide value to the customer.